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due to my country's regulations (Italy), last year I had to close my Italian bank account and subsequently transfer all my savings (less then 150k SEK) to my Swedish bank account (transaction n.1). Later on I moved the same sum (transaction n.2) to another bank account (N26 bank), but since the N26 accounts are in EUR I lost a percentage of the sum in this process, due to the lower exchange rate EUR-SEK.

Scheme of the situation: I had x € (savings), I exchanged x € for y SEK and afterwards I sold y SEK for x-z €, where x-z<x.

My questions are: 
- do I need to pay taxes for the transaction n.1?
- would I be entitled to a tax reduction of 30% of the loss of the transaction n.2?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

1 Kommentarer
  1. anon
    D Andersson
    feb 05, 2020

    Hi Daniele,

    You don´t need to tax transaction n1.

    You are entitled to a report a loss on transaction 2 and 70 percent of the loss is deductible and then you will get a tax reduction by 30 percent.

    Kind regards


    Daniel Andersson är skattejurist hos Skattepunkten AB.
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