Living in Sweden. English LTD for UK Customers?
I'm an englishman permanently living in Sweden.
I have a Swedish AB and sell marketing services.
I have a few customers in Sweden, but am starting to get a lot of interest (and more customers) for my services in the UK.
I am considering starting an English LTD from which to service/invoice my UK customers. One reason is that small/medium sized UK companies prefer to do business with UK companies.
Contracts will be negotiated and signed in the UK but (at least initially) most of the work will be carried out by me in Sweden.
What I'm wondering about is:
1. Would the english LTD be liable for company tax in Sweden?
2. Would I personally be liable for income tax / capital gains tax on dividends in England?
3. Is there anything else I should consider?
A few notes that might help:
a. I travel to the UK once every month or two for a few days to conduct business.
b. I work from a home office in Sweden.
c. I expect to employ / subcontract from the english LTD within 12 months.
d. I am the sole owner of the Swedish AB and would be for the English LTD as well.
Thanks in advance and thanks for a great site.
P.S. Responses in Swedish are fine.
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Hej Bobster!
Eftersom du är bosatt i Sverige gäller skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Storbrítannien för dig. Enligt avtalet gäller följande.
1. Ditt engelska Ltd blir skattskyldigt i Sverige för inkomst som är hänförlig till ett i Sverige beläget fast driftställe. Ditt kontor i Sverige torde vara att anse som ett fast driftställe för ditt Ltd.
2. Utdelning till dig från bolag med hemvist i Storbritannien får beskattas i Storbritannien men skatten får inte överstiga 5 procent.
3. Jag kan inte komma på något konkret som du bör tänka på.
Hälsningar/OveSkattepunkten AB
If anyone need professional help,